Circular Economy as an employability tool for NEET population
CeNEET, is the acronym of “Circular Economy as an employability tool for NEET population’’, which is an Erasmus+ Key Action 3, European Youth Together project funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.
The aim of the project is to encourage and equip NEET people (not in education, employment or training) to seize the opportunities of the circular economy and related practices of re-use, repair, up-cycling etc. in order not only to find employment but also to become active in environmentally sustainable work practices and opportunities that will open up in their countries the next years. The main project’s objective is to support and promote green skills to NEET populations in order to help them accumulate in the work market with a green and environmentally friendly mindset.
CeNEET project will achieve all the above mentioned by a series of actions developed and addressed to the young people. More specifically, CeNEET project will mainly release a Curriculum for Youth Mentors that will be trained and familiarized with the concept of circular economy as well as the NEET populations needs. In addition, Youth Mentors, through the project’s lifetime, will have the opportunity to be introduced to the key areas and legislations concerning the EU CEAP and the concept of circular economy. Furthermore, the Youth Mentors will engage and train the participants in the principles of green skills and circular economy. Youth exchange mobility actions will also be organized in partner countries for Study visits in already existing circular economy businesses, leading to policy discussions, collection of good practices, gap analysis in circular economy and draft policy papers. Policy panels and roundtables will be also formed among Youth workers and stakeholders, in order to discuss policy recommendations for the accumulation of NEET populations in the work market, as well as circular economy good practices implementation in businesses and the workplace.